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Underwater Achievement Captivates Global Media

Underwater Achievement Captivates Global Media

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Over the past 120 days, Rüdiger “Rudy” Koch, co-founder and lead engineer at Ocean Builders, has been living 11 meters below the ocean surface in the Deepwater SeaPod’s underwater room.

This remarkable endeavor not only set a new Guinness World Record but also showcased the feasibility of sustainable oceanic habitation.

We’re thrilled by the overwhelming global response, with our story featured in 200+ publications worldwide, from major media outlets to niche platforms. New York Post, Times Now, The Citizen, The Times of India, and MSN are just a few of the many that have helped share our vision.

The incredible story of the Guinness World Record for underwater living in a fixed habitat has made waves globally, featured in 200+ publications worldwide.
The incredible story of the Guinness World Record for underwater living in a fixed habitat has made waves globally, featured in 200+ publications worldwide.

Each article, post, and interview brings us closer to our goal of making ocean habitation accessible to everyone. Beyond offering a novel lifestyle through the SeaPod, we aim to address pressing environmental challenges such as climate change and rising sea levels.

Our vision remains steadfast: to construct beautiful floating homes that serve as sanctuaries, celebrating their inhabitants while fostering a deep connection with nature. The SeaPod exemplifies this vision by providing sustainable and innovative oceanfront living solutions.

Ocean Builders is dedicated to pioneering eco-restorative floating habitats that harmonize with marine ecosystems.
Ocean Builders is dedicated to pioneering eco-restorative floating habitats that harmonize with marine ecosystems.

We extend our gratitude to Rudy for embracing this challenge and helping us amplify our brand and message globally. As we look forward to the coming year, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in ocean habitation.

Thank you for your support and for sharing our story with the world. Here’s to many more adventures and manifesting a future where floating cities are a reality.

Happy Floating!

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