We have a big update from Craig at the Ocean Builders family here in Panama, the first 26 sections that make up the bottom half of the SeaPod are completed and ready for the next step.
These 26 fiberglass sections make up the bottom “bowl” of the outer shell of the SeaPod. These sections are the main support for the floor beams and hold a good chunk of the weight in the home. Over the next few weeks, we will start to mount the subfloor sections to the fiberglass center spar that we have been working on.
As we begin to attach these subfloor sections, we are also working on finishing the 28 roof sections that will make up the SeaPod roof. The windows and walls will be installed after the subfloor and floor are in place. We will finish with the roof and at that point, we will have a full SeaPod shell mounted on the center spar.
We are working on so many different parts of this project so it is great to see them really starting to take shape. We still have a few weeks of work to get this first shell put together but we are taking huge steps in the right direction!
Production is starting to really speed up now and we are getting closer and closer every day. We will have some more exciting updates about this first SeaPod shell coming very soon. Thanks for following along with us!