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Time Until We Break the Record for Living Underwater:


Exploring Panama – Pearl Islands

Exploring Panama – Pearl Islands

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It’s not often Grant takes a day to get out of the factory, but Panana has a great deal to offer outside of the Ocean Builders HQ. While Ocean Builders are working on the Atlantic side of Panama, the Pearl Islands or located on the Pacific side, to the South-West of the country.

Grant didn’t miss the chance to get some footage of this beautiful island group, and we can really see why. A flat calm ocean extends out to the horizon, dotted by small but lusciously green islands. Grant even got the chance to explore some of these beautiful uninhabited islands.

These trips are important in that they not only offer Grant some respite from the demands of the factory but also serve as an inspiration and let us get a feel for the natural beauty and potential in Panama’s landscape.

In the video, we get to see one of the beaches that Grant is exploring. Unfortunately, even on an uninhabited island, the tell-tale signs of plastic washed on the beach are present. But Grant is undeterred and sees the potential in a place like this for one of our Seapods.

Visiting places like the Pearl Islands really helps to drive home what Ocean Builders is all about. When we see such a pristine part of the world, it’s only natural to think about how one can stay there and enjoy the undisturbed natural beauty of the place.

In the past, developing an area often came at a serious cost to its natural beauty. Whether that meant building or simply through the ongoing demands and byproducts of habitation, such as dealing with trash and sanitation.

Here at Ocean Builders we constantly strive to develop innovative and noninvasive approaches to living. Whether it’s eliminating toxic materials from our development process or seeking to reduce the impact that human habitation has on the surrounding environment, these beautiful islands really let us appreciate why Seapods represent such an important movement.

Seapods would allow us to both appreciate these pristine islands without disturbing or diminishing them. Coexisting with nature and preserving natural beauty is important to our values and visiting the Pearl Islands has been a great source of inspiration to keep us moving forward and develop approaches to sustainable living, in harmony with nature.

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