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Final Painting for Spar

Final Painting for Spar

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We are getting down to the nitty-gritty on the floating spar. The painting continues! We have all of the protective paint and white paint applied and now the crew is finishing up the blue paint on the outriggers.

We started with protective paint to prevent corrosion on the surface, but it doesn’t look great so we wanted to give it a beautiful paint job. The sections that are above water were given a white top coat to match the Pods and the outriggers will be blue.

This TriPod is actually ahead of schedule and the crew is knocking out this blue paint very quickly. Right now, we are looking like we are about five days ahead of schedule which is fantastic given the time crunch that we are in before our global launch event.

This will be finished in just a few hours and then the TriPod will be pretty much ready to go. The blue paint was the final step before we can launch it so now we just have to tie up the loose ends, go over the pre-launch checklist, and then get this thing in the water!

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