Lunchtime had arrived, and the spar had finally reached the marina’s loading dock. As fortune would have it, nature had graced us with a windless, tranquil day, making the anticipated task less unnerving but by no means less intricate.
When Ocean Builders embarked on a venture, the world’s eyes were inevitably drawn, and that day was no exception. A small crowd had gathered around, capturing the moment with cameras and engaging in animated conversations.
In the midst of the commotion, Rudi, with a resolute demeanor, paced back and forth, orchestrating the operation with hand signals and firm instructions. Communication wasn’t always straightforward when different languages were in play, making even the simplest of tasks more complex. The barge was strategically positioned, and the tugboat, a vital part of this intricate journey, had arrived.
While the workers were eager to set the spar afloat, the journey ahead was known to all. With the sun shining brightly overhead, a break was called for. Rest for the bodies was essential, for that day’s expedition had only just begun.
Following a well-deserved break, the spar was gently immersed in the water and firmly fastened to the barge. As the team was organized, Rudi maintained a vigilant presence, circling the barge on his jetski to ensure that the ropes were properly secured and that the operation proceeded as intended. The tugboats guided the process with skill. The formation had to be maintained for 3.7 kilometers until the deployment site was reached. Throughout this process, the team closely monitored the spar’s position and adjusted it as needed to ensure that it remained safely afloat.