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Making Underwater Windows Waterproof

Making Underwater Windows Waterproof

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Our underwater windows are coming along nicely! We’ve been seeing some great progress on the frames and now we are starting to waterproof the first completed window.

Since these windows will be underwater, they must resist the water pressure at depth. That means that the window and the frame have to be incredibly strong but another factor is waterproofing. Even a small leak could become catastrophic very quickly so we need to ensure that everything is properly sealed up.

As you can see in the video, Craig and Rudi are shooting a black marine-grade silicone sealant into the frame through a small hole on the side. This adhesive is distributed through the frame with pressure so that every crack and crevice will be sealed up. Once cured, this will be completely waterproof and watertight.

The space is tight so as they administer this black goo through the hole, it slowly seeps through the space and eventually up out of the gap between the window and the frame. We then use tape to encourage the silicone to move where we need it. This is exactly what we want to happen so that we can get a good seal around the entire window.

Once finished, this window will have the structural strength and the waterproofness to withstand the pressure that will be pushing on every inch of the underwater room 24/7 while submerged. We are over-engineering every part of the underwater room to withstand far more pressure than it will ever be subjected to at our planned depth.

This is a super exciting project and we can’t wait to bring this underwater room to life! We know that looking out into the ocean, sort of like a reverse aquarium, will be a breathtaking experience for everyone!

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