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Underwater Room Steel Arrived

Underwater Room Steel Arrived

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“Special delivery for Grant Romundt of Ocean Builders, can you sign the receipt?”
Looks like our underwater room has arrived! Well…not exactly, but thanks to Grant’s detailed explanation of what the steel delivery will be used for, you can almost imagine the end result.

Along with the underwater room steel, we also received the center spar material, and what will be used to produce the ballast as well. In other words, there is a lot of steel in our yard right now that’s for sure!
The ballast will assist to weight down the room as, since we are also subject to the laws of physics, the room full of oxygen would inevitably try to make its way to the surface.

We’re not 100% sure of the bed size we will be able to fit in the underwater room, but while a regular small bed is definitely going to fit, we really hope we can put a king-size bed in there.

One thing for sure is that it will be an awesome “reversed fish tank”, where humans will be standing behind 6 large windows while being surrounded by what we hope will be spectacular marine life.

Our SeaPod Deepwater model is slowly but surely coming to life. We know that a pile of steel doesn’t necessarily show much, but trust us that we will be working as fast as possible to show you the amazing outcome this is going to be!

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