Grant is back with a quick update on the ceiling installation in the EcoPod. We now have four ceiling panels securely installed in the bedroom. This is somewhat of a slow and steady kind of process so it will take a week or so to get all of the panels installed.
You can see in the video below how the crew is using a wooden jig to support the panel while it is screwed in place. This allows the guy who is driving screws to not have to worry about supporting the weight. Splitting up the weight distribution also makes it easier when aligning everything.
We are currently out of the honeycomb material that we use to make these panels so the progress has to take a break while our guy is in town picking up more material. Luckily, we should be ready to get after it again first thing tomorrow morning to keep the progress rolling on the ceiling.
Once all the pieces are in place, we have to go back and tape the seams and then seal everything off so that you can’t see the screws that are holding the panels up. We will come back and do all of this finishing work later, right now the goal is to get all of the panels up and things are moving along swimmingly!