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We’ve officially broken the Guinness World Record for the longest underwater stay of 100 days! We will continue for another 20 days for a final 120 day count. Stay tuned for celebrations and updates! 🌊


Installing the roof of the new SeaPod

Installing the roof of the new SeaPod

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Back at the factory! Our fiberglass team has been working hard on these sections and we expect to make some really strong progress as you can see in this impressive drone video!

The roof will be made up of a ring of 28 of these sections that go around the edge. After this ring was installed, we then processed to install four quarter sections of the center of the roof in place.The inside of the ring will be a large disk that appears flat but will have a slight slope to capture rainwater.

This EcoPod roof design will allow us to capture rainwater that we can use within the home for things like washing dishes. Harnessing rainwater is a great way to increase the efficiency of water usage in the home, especially in tropical climates where you get regular rain showers.

Since reducing the ecological footprint of the home is one of our main goals, capturing rainwater is a great way to bring the idea into practice. Since rainwater is already falling, and it’s free, it seems wasteful to not harness it and use it in the home.

We’ve done this roof installation before, but it is still an extremely exciting moment for us as we near the completion of this new roof. The progress is moving quickly and we are very excited about the next steps for the EcoPod. Stay tuned for more exciting updates coming soon!

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