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Kitchen Cabinet Install

Kitchen Cabinet Install

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Things are moving along nicely in the EcoPod as we get closer to the launch! The kitchen cabinets that we were working on recently are finally being installed in the Pod.

As you can see, there is a ton of cabinet space in the kitchen, in fact, there is more storage space in the EcoPod kitchen than in the average home kitchen. The cabinets are high-quality and have plenty of space for everything that you’ll need for your kitchen.

While living in a small and sustainable home means that you will have to make some lifestyle changes, mostly to be more efficient with energy and space, we didn’t want to make it inconvenient or uncomfortable like smaller homes can tend to be. Having a full kitchen means that you will have the space and storage to cook and enjoy your kitchen just like you would on land.

You can see as Grant gives us a little mini-tour that in addition to all of the cabinet space, there will be an oven, a dishwasher, and a full-sized refrigerator. The EcoPod will truly have a more well-equipped kitchen than many larger apartments and homes. Those who enjoy cooking won’t have to give it up while living on the water.

The cabinets are coming along nicely and are really starting to take the shape of the renders that we created with our original design ideas. Seeing these designs come to life is such an exciting feeling and we can’t wait to see, taste, and enjoy all of the fantastic meals that are bound to come out of these kitchens!

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