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Making Custom PC board

Making Custom PC board

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Most of the custom PCB boards that we are using all throughout the Ocean Builders Pod homes are designed and made by us. Since these boards have very specific jobs, we found that the best option was to design and create our own boards.

Omer is here with a quick video to show an example of how we make these boards. They are each designed to fit their specific purpose. The designs are created in a computer program that works with this machine to precisely cut the different circuit paths that are needed for the board. You can see on the video that the machine is following the design and cutting exactly what the computer program shows. When the circuits are finished being cut out we can add a solar mask to protect the copper from corrosion in the salty and humid environment in which our Pod homes will live.

As you can see in the video, the machine works like a highly precise router to cut the circuit paths into the sheet of copper. This process is very delicate and has to be perfect so having an automatic machine to do the job makes things easier and faster while delivering a perfect final product every time.

The ability to be self-sufficient and produce our own PC boards will help us to keep production in-house which will keep costs low and remove the need to rely on others for these boards. The ability to design each board individually ensures that everything will work efficiently and exactly as we need it. Reliability is very important when designing a smart home and we are sure that these custom PC boards will help bring our homes to life while being efficient and reliable.

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