Paint, paint, paint!!! We have had lots of painting going on at the factory during these last few days. We have completed most of the exterior finishing work on the EcoPod and begun to paint the outside. We are using paint guns to spray on even layers of paint to the entire exterior of the home to give it a uniform and sharp-looking white color.
We also have been painting our TriPod base and we are making great progress on that as well. All of the sandblasting is done and the epoxy paint has been applied to the entire surface. The crew already finished up the white paint and the rest of the base that still looks gray will get a beautiful coat of Ocean Builders blue paint.
We talked before about how important this paint is when it comes to preventing corrosion. We will also be using an electrical system with sacrificial anodes to combat corrosion so that these TriPod bases will be floating safely and securely for years to come.
We are aiming to get both the base and the EcoPod in the water in the coming weeks so getting the paint done will be one step closer. We will start painting the interior of the EcoPod in a few days once the exterior is all finished. We are taking huge leaps toward the finish line every day and we hope you are as excited as we are!