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We’ve officially passed our goal of 100 Days Living in the Underwater Room! We will continue for another 20 days for a final 120 day count. Stay tuned for celebrations and updates! 🌊


The Fanciest Stair Step

The Fanciest Stair Step

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Sometimes the small details can make a huge difference, and that is definitely the case with this step. We will be using these step covers in the spiral staircase that goes to the living area of the Pod and then up to the roof level.

The step itself is made of fiberglass and has small groves that will help provide extra grip when walking up the stairs. Additionally, there is a small Ocean Builders logo engraved into the corner for a little bit of extra flair.

These step covers will look much better than the structural steel that the steps are made of. We can simply snap these into place and give our spiral staircase an entirely new look. These pieces are small and relatively easy to make so it shouldn’t be a big deal to switch them out if one gets damaged down the road.

We have lots of fantastic craftsmen working on all of the different parts of these homes. Their skills matched with the attention to detail that the entire team has is a big part of what will make the SeaPod a truly special place and way to live. We couldn’t do it without them and we really appreciate all of the hard work that they have been putting in to bring this dream to life!

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