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Installing Motors on SeaPod Push Boats

Installing Motors on SeaPod Push Boats

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Grant is back at the factory with another update on our new-to-us workhorse boats that we will be using to push SeaPods on the TriPod base through the water. These boats will act like tugboats to help get the SeaPods to their correct locations since the SeaPod itself won’t have a drive system.

One cool thing about these motors is that they were pulled from the Satoshi cruise ship that we had last year. That project didn’t work out as we had hoped but we were able to salvage some equipment from the ship. These motors ran some of the emergency backup generators on the ship so they have found a new home and new purpose in life and we are able to reuse them which is great.

As you can see in the video, we are lowering the motor into the engine bay using chain come-alongs. These 215 horsepower motors will supply more than enough power to move the SeaPods through the water. Once these motors are securely mounted in the engine bay, we will connect them to the drive shaft that goes to the propeller.

We still have some more work to do to get these boats to be sea-worthy. The motors have several things that need to be connected to them like the steering system, shift and throttle cable, all of the electrical wiring, batteries, the bilge pump, and more so we will keep working on those things in the coming weeks.

These workhorse boats are one of the many things that we have going on here at the factory. We are at a very exciting time in the process where several different projects are really starting to come together so we will be sure to keep you updated in our blog as we continue making the push to take seasteading worldwide.

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