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Last Ceiling Panels going in

Last Ceiling Panels going in

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We have been making some serious progress on the ceiling panel installation in the EcoPod during these past few days. We are now coming to the point where we are down to the last couple of panels.

The final panels are going up just next to the door that will take you from the spiral staircase into the home. You can see in the ceiling above where we ran some flex duct for the air conditioning and a few electrical conduits. We will use the space between the ceiling and the roof to conceal the wiring and air ducts so that everything looks neat and clean.

Once we get these final panels installed then we can go back and do some of the finishing work. We need to cut out all of the holes for the speakers that are part of the multi-room audio system. We also need to go back and apply the seam tape and do all of the finishing work to hide the seams and screws.

We still have a lot of work to do but this ceiling progress has breathed some new life into us. We were getting a little bit worried about the speed of the progress but we are feeling a lot more comfortable about being able to finish everything in time. We are ever-grateful for the tireless work that our crews have been doing and we definitely wouldn’t be here without them!

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