The frame of the EcoPod is really coming along now. We have the top portions of the walls installed and now we can really see where the windows will be. This top wall section will be where the roof eventually will be mounted. The installation of the bottom section of the walls was successful so we were excited to move on to these pieces.
We had some issues with our telehandler so we had to manually lift these sections up to be mounted in place, but our team was able to adapt and overcome to get the job done. When we get the telehandler back in service, we will be using it to move this EcoPod prototype into the factory so that we can get to work on the interior.
Now that we have most of the walls on, we can really start to feel what the true size of the EcoPod will be. This bedroom area has massive windows that will open up to give you not only a beautiful view but a perfect way to enjoy the warm breeze coming off of the ocean.
Once the window frames and windows are completed, they will be installed in these spaces and will really bring together the outer walls of the home. This was a huge step for us and it brings us that much closer to finishing the development process on this first EcoPod prototype. As always, we still have work to do, but our team is making great progress and we are reaching new highs every day.