The EcoPod walls are really coming together as we get them mounted in place on our first prototype. We have spent quite a bit of time getting our wall section molds ready and now we are ready to throw things into production. So far, the walls are coming along nicely and things are looking great.
The walls are produced at basically half-height and then we stack two sections to make up the height of the walls. The EcoPod has tons of windows all around and the windows measure exactly the same as one of the wall sections, so we will be able to easily install a window instead of a wall where we need the windows.
We will add a top plate above the window and wall sections to give a smooth and uniform surface to which we will mount the roof pieces. As an example, you can see the bedroom area in the video below where Grant shows us where the bottom section of the wall is already installed. The windows will be placed on top of this bottom section of the wall and will have the same total height as the areas without windows.
You can also see in the video just how tall the ceilings in the EcoPod will be. There is no doubt that the EcoPod is a smaller-than-average home so we wanted to make sure that it wouldn’t feel cramped. The ceilings in some parts of the home are nearly twice as tall as the average person. The entire EcoPod will have higher ceilings than the average home and the huge sliding windows will open up to make parts of the home feel like an open-air room.
We are approaching the point where we can start to do the exterior finishing work to make the outside of the EcoPod look great. We are also working towards the point where we can start to work on getting the interior looking good. We are moving along at a great pace so be sure to check back for more updates about the EcoPod in the blog very soon!