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Time Until We Break the Record for Living Underwater:


Ocean Builders Admin Dashboard First Look

Ocean Builders Admin Dashboard First Look

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Although it is still a work in progress and there are still many features to be added and polished, we are ready to share an early version of the Ocean Builders admin dashboard.

The admin dashboard will allow Ocean Builders staff to oversee the status of the SeaPods, EcoPods, and GreenPods that are deployed and will provide tools to quickly assist Pod owners and residents in case any worrisome event should happen inside or near the Pod. All the data in this admin dashboard is only visible if the Pod owner gave previous consent to share their data.

Owners can benefit from sharing some statistics related to the resources in the Pod. By doing so, they will get access to anonymized statistics of the average use of resources by other Pods in that area and advice on how to manage their resources more efficiently. It also allows for the ability to receive better support from Ocean Builders staff regarding the health of their Pod.

Admins will be assigned to a specific Pod zone where they will be in charge of monitoring a specific area or community of Pods. There will be a select few “master administrators” who can oversee the entire database of Pods.

The following dashboard modules are currently being implemented:

  • A summary dashboard will give admins an overview of the status of all the Pods in the area. Here we will show the current “health status” of each Pod which is calculated with a combination of parameters. There will be useful charts that show power production, power storage and consumption, water capacity, and some other parameters that will be added in the future.
  • From the Manage Pods page, the admins can view all of the Pods available in the area and see all the information related to them (name, ID, occupancy status, etc.). This page will also allow new Pods to be added to the database.
  • The Zone page allows the staff to see a map showing the location of every Pod in the area and to click on any of them to see more information.

More pages with more functionality are planned for the future like a way to send messages directly from the admin dashboard to the pod owners, accounting tools, and other similar functions that will make life easier for everyone.

In the video below, Talha who is our lead admin dashboard developer gives you a small tour of a very early version of the admin dashboard. (Apologies about the audio quality, some of us are not well experienced or equipped for audio recording yet)

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