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Outer Wall Molds

Outer Wall Molds

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Here we have a look at the master plug for the walls of the SeaPod Eco model. This plug is the exact shape of the final product and will be used to create the production molds which are negative molds. Having the production molds ready to go means that we can start full-speed production of these wall sections. Getting this plug perfect is crucial since every section that we produce will be a copy of this piece.

We made some slight revisions to the SeaPod Eco wall molds that we used to build Unit #1 which was the home that was in the water for our launch event. The original walls were 800mm tall and this revision is 850mm tall. On top of this wall will be a window ledge which is another 50mm.

The actual window frames will sit on top of the window ledge so the bottom of the window will be about 900mm above the floor of the home. The window frames fit perfectly into this space so once we make the wall section, we can install it on the home and then get the window frames and windows installed very quickly. This will speed up production so that we can move more quickly and build more homes.

The guys are working on some finishing touches to get everything ready to roll and we should be moving on to the next step of building the production molds very soon!

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